

A text-to-speech reader for documents and web pages.


What is Narrly?

Narrly is a text-to-speech app for listening to documents and web pages hands-free.

How to use Narrly?

Upload or import your documents into Narrly, select the voice and settings, and start listening offline.

Narrly’s Core Features

Reads PDF, Word, RTF, and TXT files

Supports over 50 languages

Exports audio files for offline listening

Customizable speed and voice settings

Narrly’s Use Cases


Listen to ebooks and academic papers while commuting


Convert web articles to audio for easier consumption


Create audio files from text for offline listening

data statistics

Data evaluation

Narrly 's views has reached 0. If you need to query the related weight information of this site, you can click "Semrush data" "Similarweb data" to enter. Based on the current website data, it is recommended that everyone use Aizhan data as the reference. More website value evaluation factors such as: Narrly access speed, search engine inclusion and indexing volume, user experience, etc.; of course, to evaluate the value of a website, it is most important to base it on your own needs and requirements. Some specific data needs to be negotiated with the Narrly webmaster for provision, such as the website's IP, PV, bounce rate, etc.!

About Narrly Special Statement

The Alaya AI Tools provided by this site Narrly are all from the Internet, and the accuracy and completeness of external links are not guaranteed. At the time of August 29, 2024 12:04 am indexing, the content on this webpage is compliant and legal. If there is any violation in the content of the webpage later, you can directly contact the website administrator for deletion. Alaya AI Tools assumes no responsibility.

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